Thursday, November 6, 2008

%Money Doesnt Always Bring Happiness To Someone%

I think that part of the time that yes people action are driven by money. A few reasons why, are don’t have enough money to get a want or need also because someone own them it and haven’t pay them back due to their agreement, or even because they just want to make someone’s life’s miserable and have a bad heart. I personally think they money will not always bring happiness why because their so many things that money can’t buy .for example you loosing someone you love, or a young girl, boy, and even a adult getting sexually abused. I think that money could make the person happy for a moment but not for ever because that pain or memories’ you’ll never forget no matter how much money they give you. People with money or no better then people that don’t have money. why do I think that because its not money who describes what type a person you are its your heart that matters meaning that someone with money could say that they always happy but inside be crying because of the way they look at others who don’t have money but with the little bite that they do have they make the best out of it and peoples appearance could show something but the inside of them a other…Theirs a few ways the wealthy get their money some of them actually work hard for meaning went to school an then collage and then became a doctor,firefighter,nurse,judge,police officer ,singers, actors and etc others get it the easy way by doing things they shouldn't’t, others open up business and have people work for them and others just be lucky n win the lottery. I don’t think that its much of a responsibility because its your money but don’t be selfish and greedy if you see someone in need help them don’t always just think about yourself r remember ones you help someone God will bless you but the double amount.therefore i don't think money cant always bring happiness.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Excellent point about how certain forms of abuse or damage to a person's body or spirit can never be bought away. Excellent details to support your arguments as well.

The content is excellent, but there are a lot of small errors that I can help you with to make this post easier to read. As is 16/20 points.