Thursday, December 18, 2008

1920-1930s boom,bust,and Recovery!

18th Amendment because there were many mobs formed, and bootlegging because of this. This is a picture of men pouring alcohol into the sewage.

NAACP was an organization that put colored people out there for the good things that they achieved. This started in the early 1900’s.

Babe Ruth was very well known baseball player during this period. He is also known for his home run hitting.

So much bootlegging going on in this period. This was a bootlegging car chase and crash that happened in 1924.

Automobile was used to illegally transport alcohol during the Boom period. These are high school girls working on an automobile.

The Harlem Renaissance was written and artistic creativity by African-Americans that occurred after World War I and lasted until the middle of the 1930s Depression during this period.

Prohibition had to do with the 18th Amendment during which the manufacture, sales and transportation of alcoholic beverages were legally prohibited. People thought that too much drinking led to crimes.

Scopes Trial was an argument that was going on July 10, 1925, over a evolution and the role of science and also with religion in public schools in the U.S.A

Red Scare has been retroactively applied to two distinct periods of strong anti-Communism in United States history: first from 1917 to 1920, and second from the late 1940s through the late 1950s.

19th Amendment this was a amendment that give the women the right to vote. It was adopted in 1920 to the U.S. constitution.


Black Tuesday was also known as The Wall Street Crash of 1929. This was one of the most devastating stock market crashes in American History. This is a crowd gathering on Wall Street after the crash.

Dust Bowl was a period of dust storms started by bad soil, and farming without crop rotation. The storms started near Kansas and reached as far as New York. This was also called the dirty thirties.

Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn starting with the stock market crash of 1929. This was the most economic depression during the Bust period

Hooverville is a shantytown built by homeless men during the Bust period. Hooverville was named after Herbert Hoover. This is a picture of Hooverville.

The Stock Market is a private or public market where you trade company stock. One of the worst crashes of this time was, the stock market crash of 1929.

Herbert Hoover was the President during the beginning of the Bust period. He witnessed the stock market crash.

Bread Line is when needy people stood out in the cold to receive free food. There was a lot of this going on during this period because people became poor after the crash.
Shantytowns are little towns that many poor people lived in during the depression. This is a picture of one of the Shantytowns.
Speculation is a harvest is too small to satisfy consumption at its normal rate, speculators come in, hoping to profit from the scarcity by buying. Their purchases raise the price, thereby checking consumption so that the smaller supply will last longer.
In the case of a price control, a price support is the minimum legal price a seller may charge, typically placed above equilibrium. It is the support of certain price levels at or above market values by the government.

New Deal was a series of economic programs President Roosevelt initiated between 1933 and 1936 to help the United States recover from the Great Depression.

The Social Security Act an attempt to limit as dangers in the modern American life, including old age, poverty, and unemployment. This is President Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act.

WPA was the Biggest New Deal agency. It employed millions of people, especially rural and western mountain populations. It allowed people to have jobs during The Great Depression.

Eleanor Roosevelt was the thirty-second president (Franklin D. Roosevelt)’s wife. She was the first lady during this period.

The NYA was a program made with the New Deal Agency. It served 327,000 high school and college youth, who were paid from $6 to $40 a month for "work study" projects at their schools.

Tennessee Valley Authority provided navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer, manufacturing, and economic development in the Tennessee Valley.

CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) this was a work relief program for young men from homeless families. This was designed to help young men get money during the recovery period.

FDIC short for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created to make sure your money was safe in banks. This was made to recover Americans’ trust in the banking system.

NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act Was part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. It authorized the President to regulate banks, and stimulate the United States economy to recover from the Great Depression. To do this it established the National Recovery Administration.

AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) its purpose was to reduce crop surplus so as to effectively raise the value of crops, thereby giving farmers relative stability again.

To get a closer look at my pictures click on them.

*show RESPECT to get RESPECT!

I think that yes sometimes some thing has to go wrong so people could get along.Why do i think that will because they feel bad for what happened because most of the time they in up hurting the othr person.Also many people have to go threw the hard process of loosing someone and then wishing they had them back because they relized how good were they and all the differnt ways they hurt the other person.I dont agree with that thought why because we are soupose to treat people the way we want to be treated. Like they say in order to get RESPECT give RESPECT!!! for Ex. My bestfriend never got along with my little sister in till she saw my sister fighting with cancer. "SHE FEIL REAL BAD IN HAD NO CHOCIES BUT TO GET ALONG WITH HER"

Monday, December 8, 2008

_[PEopLe gEtiNG inVOled COUld Be HELpfuLLy aS Will as Not]

I think that the U.S. should get involved with other countries in certain occasions. Why because I believed that 2 is better then 1 with that being said i think everyone could always use a little help. Some people can deal with solutions better they other. I personally think that fighting will not get you anywhere. For example if to counties are not getting along cause both agree in different things I think that they should sit down in talk and work something out. But then theirs times that you just have to let their own counties’ resolve their own problems! I think that Iraq in the U.S. wouldn't had been having the conflict their having now if they would of just talk about what was brother each other why because so many people have died due to all of this and its not fair to everyone so this is how i feel about the U.S. getting in voled with other countries.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Think Twice Before You Open Your Mouth!...

Yes I’ve gotten in other people business. Why because things that are said that I don’t agree with or just having an opinion to give. But that’s not always good to do thought because not everyone likes listen to people’s opinions and sometimes people just talk to talk and don’t have any idea of what their talking bout and sometimes they do and just want to switch everything. For example like one day some people were talking about people that have cancer and talking about them when their hair be falling and I was sitting besides them and I heard that and it made me so mad because my little sister had been going threw that process and I knew how she felt so I said excuse me but I don’t think you all should be talking about people with cancer because you all don’t know how it feels for all your hair to fall off and the pain you feel and they told me nether do you and I got a little upset and told them of COURSE I do my little sister going threw a process now and people like that already feel hurt and don’t any more pain on them cause by ignorant people that don’t have nothing else to but make fun of others. They looked surprised but I wasn’t going to leave and felt bad because I didn’t say anything sorry but when it comes to things like that I don’t stay shut! But theirs a time and place for everything. Theirs time when we have to stay shut because we don’t have no clue of what others be talking about and then if we say something it could get them mad and we would look like some fools1 So thats why I think we should think twice before we talk…..This is how I feel about getting in other peoples business!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Gilded Age!










Thursday, November 6, 2008

%Money Doesnt Always Bring Happiness To Someone%

I think that part of the time that yes people action are driven by money. A few reasons why, are don’t have enough money to get a want or need also because someone own them it and haven’t pay them back due to their agreement, or even because they just want to make someone’s life’s miserable and have a bad heart. I personally think they money will not always bring happiness why because their so many things that money can’t buy .for example you loosing someone you love, or a young girl, boy, and even a adult getting sexually abused. I think that money could make the person happy for a moment but not for ever because that pain or memories’ you’ll never forget no matter how much money they give you. People with money or no better then people that don’t have money. why do I think that because its not money who describes what type a person you are its your heart that matters meaning that someone with money could say that they always happy but inside be crying because of the way they look at others who don’t have money but with the little bite that they do have they make the best out of it and peoples appearance could show something but the inside of them a other…Theirs a few ways the wealthy get their money some of them actually work hard for meaning went to school an then collage and then became a doctor,firefighter,nurse,judge,police officer ,singers, actors and etc others get it the easy way by doing things they shouldn't’t, others open up business and have people work for them and others just be lucky n win the lottery. I don’t think that its much of a responsibility because its your money but don’t be selfish and greedy if you see someone in need help them don’t always just think about yourself r remember ones you help someone God will bless you but the double amount.therefore i don't think money cant always bring happiness.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Am Not Just A School!!!....

Big me
Happy me
Just to see
Kids be pleased

Just know
I am here
To take care
Of your future

Just saying
Come to learn!
This is fun
There is a lot to learn

Come for fun
And recess time
There is more to life
Then just to learn

I may be just a school
But with feelings too
Just knowing I take care of you
Is more than just being true but to be close to you!

Can't Carry Anymore!....

Ugh Heavy, heavy
Big load,hard stuff
Very big people
Just know that I am a keeper

Long roads, long day
Sweat and pain everyday
Sat on by bigger pain
Try to get force but just not enough

Angry and stressed
Don’t know about any rest
Just long ways to go
And don’t know where to go

No pay
But much pain
Under peoples weight
This is just great!

Give thanks
Just don’t say hey
To people who make you not you
Cause of what you do

Soilders Pain = My Leaves

Dear, President
In order to know exactly what happened you had to be in my place. I’ll never forget that day. It seems that it was just yesturday. People started to yell to yell back and forward to eachother. I have never seen so much blood. Blood was all over where some ended up on my trunk and my roots. Bodies everywhere, terrible, my leaves falling as tears for this horror. Boom,boom went shots, sadly this meant someone got hurt but worse kild, this was very bad and sad. Shots came towards me but,I didn’t die. My leaves felt like they were falling more and more every time someone got shot. Not just that, knowing that they got shot and couldn’t see their families again. But also they got shot in their heads,legs,arms and many times in their heart. That was the worst for me, that just broke my my inner self.
I would wonder when this was going to stop. When are theses people going to get medical attention. Soilders related to other soldiers, you could see them with tears in their face. Just horrible. Crying soldiers everywhere, some were accidently kild by their own family members. You can hear soilders who have survived that day of war and battle talking to eachother remembering their family members. I especially remember also that soilders were despret trying to talk to the rest of their families, guess by what?, letters. They didn’t have phones and no electricity. Oh my goush, his really wasn’t happening to me,soilders wrote. Soilders would write under my branches. But they would only get the opportunity when the enemy soilders were having a battle or war of their own.
I remember the horrible smell that came from the dead soilders. Smell also came from the sweat from soilders who have survived and who had passed away. Bodies were lying around for weeks and many but many days. The odor got worst and worst. I started to shed my leaves. Looking at all of those soilders who have had died; but knowing that their was goling to be more soilders killed. Battles and war kept going on I really couldn’t take it any more. But I keeped thinking about our country,the country that I was born and planted in for many years. I was already 50 years old and I had some feelings towards soilders I didn’t even know/get to meet. I really miss those soilders who would write under my branches and that would really talk about their families in a great way; which helped me remember my parents and how they cut them down for building homes. I really remembered this like if it were yesturday.
McPhenss Woods

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Choosing Between Your Bestfriend And Your Family Could Sometimes Be A Hard Decision.

I never have been in a fight before and I don’t plan to be in a fight before either. But if it is with my family its another story. I have argued before though; actually a couple of times before.The argument that I remember the most is when my best friend and me got into an argument because my best friend was talking about my sister. My sister and my best friend didn’t really get along. They both had a big attitude; but my sister who's name is Brendaliz, tried working it out with my best friend who's name is Diana. Diana always told me something bad about my sister that she didn’t like. I telling Diana that if she was going to keep talking about my sister that we weren’t going to be friends any more; she was talking about my sister and I wasn’t going to let that happen any more. I also told Diana that Brendaliz is my blood and that family comes first more than anything. Plus my sister had cancer and was in the process of taking kimo while my best friend was talking about her. I kept getting closer to my sister once I knew she had cancer. The point is that I went to my best friend’s house and told her she wasn’t my friend anymore. Worst is that she started talking more about Brendaliz once we wern’t Friends anymore. This taught me that family will always come first and that it is harder to lose a sister than a friend. Especially that my sister had cancer and she was only fifteen when she passed away because of cancer. I miss my sister so much………..R.I.P Brendaliz.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Growing up could both be exciting and painful.i think that growing up for us now and days could be exciting and many differnt ways.Some of the ways are you getting to live in a state or city with all kinds of people,you could learn aboyt thrir cultures,belifes,and see how they live.Us as kids get to know many people when we enter school, also by jobs,commeite centers and church.also while you meet people some become real close to you and you decide to share some of your life with them and laugh and cry together.also by you traveling to many differnt places and also learning about them and theif lifeStyle.But the best way growning i think is shareing all my specail and sad momments with my family.Also the same way growing up could be exciting it could be painful.How 1st of all when you dont have enough money to live meanig for a home,food and clothes.also when someone you love passes away etheir from a sickness or someone else and as we see that is something that is going on in our lifes everyday ethier to us or someone else. A other reason could be when because of whatever race you are their treat you differnt all because your not their race and this effects many people while growing up or living.i think that you should be able to live your lifes and nobody telling you how to live it why because everyone is different,due to their culture and their belifes.But it sad how some people choose to live a bad life meaning wasting it in the streets doing other things and trying to live a easy life and then end up dead,in jail or a sickness so i just yhink people should live their lifes like if theirs no tomorrow and just live it to the fullest!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I choose to write about "give me liberty or give death" Patrick Henry a colonist was a upset because everybody tohught they were weak and people could take advantage of them. He wanted everybody to work together or else he felt that the British were goin to claim them sooner or later. He said that they weren't able to do nothing. He said people wanted peace but that it was never going to happen while this was happening. He also said that he preferred to die if they weren't gonne give freedom. I thought that was going on was unfair.Why because thet had to follow what the British said and who would want to do that? But I think that i would of done the said thing Patrick Henry did.I learnd that freedom was hard to get during the revolutionary period.

Monday, August 25, 2008

  • 1.List five purposes of the government.
  • Establish justice
  • Provide for the common defense
  • Promotethe general welfare
  • secure the blessing of liberty
  • insure domestic trangulity
    2. Would you be willing to join a revolution if our government was not fulfilling the purposes of government you listed above? Why? Why not? No i wouldnt why because the country is going to be outter control meaning people would be making them go by what they thougth.We wouldnt have had freedom and pratices are belives so i would choose to live in under a gov't like this.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument. The thing that motavates immgrants to come to the United states is that they get a better opportunity to get a job to help themselves succed and help their family needs. Also, another reason they come to the U.S is because they will get a beter life style choice and have better medical attention given to them. But the things they can lose is their family that they left behind from wear they had came from. Another thing they can lose is the things they had left behind such as furniture, pets friends,many other things they have lost because they have decided to immagrate. Their are some things they can gain like for example: better homes,better government and better life choices just like I wrote before and many other things.Another thing they can gain is that they might have other family members that are close where they haved immagrated to. To conclude, immigrants may make good or bad decisons to what will be their future in life as we know it.
2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British
colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom? The reason that I would immagrate, it would be for freedom because if you didn't have freedom it could be hard to get economy. Also the place that I would like to immagrate to it would be a place were I could get both economy and freedom of which the Constitution says know in the U.S. Also the reason I would like the right of having freedom instead of economic reasons is because if you don't have freedom you will never get to the point of having economy. To have freedom is better to have then economy because you can rome to other places that allow you to be free and get economy their. For last or not least freedom will get you more opprtunities then having economy.